Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's the economy, stupid.

I'll make it quick, it's just a rant. I don't understand anyone who thinks that the Iraq war is going well. The timing of the war and our clear recession (yes, recession) is the 531+ billion pound gorilla in the room.

It's very simple. We had a budget surplus. We then decided to make tax cuts. Then we attacked Iraq.

Now the economy sucks.

How then, can we expect something new by doing the same thing? In the words of the great Rich Dickerson, isn't doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results the first sign of insanity?

John McCain can't offer any new ideas other than cutting taxes and continuing to perpetrate an utterly failed war.

Let's try something new.


Anonymous said...

You may be misinterpeting what John McCain is trying to say. Maybe you're not.

Either way, I will agree that the majority of our war against terrorism has been a large failure of military leadership. Not a failure of the troops or the American people. Our initial penetration of Iraq was extremly sloppy. Whether intentional to draw out a war or becuase of bad information will always be debated.

Yes, there was a lot of time, money, and more importantly, lives wasted. Yet, no American can stand here and say that on September 12, 2001 we were not behind our President 100%. His approval rating was 88%. At that time we as Americans did beleive we could and would get the job done.

It has taken some time to finally get things on track and there are no excuses for the wasted resources, other than poor leadership. As of May 2008 the Iraqi government has now met 15 of 18 benchmarks, compared to almost half just one year ago.(,2933,374603,00.html)

So when McCain says things are going well I can only hope he is talking about the troop surge and the subsequent results. Our troops are certainly making a difference just not in the manner we could have hoped for.

Anonymous said...

Approval rating link (

Robert Garment said...

I, of course, would not disagree that 9/12/01 we were all behind our president. The truth is, 9/11 was perpetrated by al-Qaeda members from Afghanistan, and I still believe we should take care of Afghanistan. The problem is, we lack the money and resources to fight wars on two fronts.

Anonymous said...

I would only add that hind sight is always 20/20. Looking back now, we can all agree we should have taken care of Afghanistan first.