Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I was a Republican until 2 months ago.

Yes. It is blasphemous. It is unheard of. Yes, I was once asked to park my car on the street because I had four, count 'em, four George W. Bush bumper stickers on my car. Am I proud? I was. I felt that re-electing G-Dub was the smart choice. I was, as the rest of America was, duped. Am I proud now? How could I be? How can anyone defend our current administration?

G-Dub has made a choice to increasingly trounce our rights. He has driven our economy into recession with ridiculous spending. The crazy thing is, some republicans actually defend him to this day. This shows an ever-increasing ignorance among Americans regarding not only politics, but the issues that drive modern day politics.

I had dinner with my brother-in-law this evening. Let me preface this by saying that he is clearly an intelligent individual. He works for the state/federal government in a capacity that is surely important to our well-being.

I will never say that his ideas are stupid. I won't say that about anybody's ideas. What I will say, is that there are some ideas out there that I can't believe I ever held to be true. If this sounds like a rant, it is. I am in awe at the way that some people can view our society.

Here is one such idea: Some people believe that homosexuality is a choice or, better yet, an excuse. I don't see why anyone in the world would choose to be a discriminated minority. How many Caucasian people do you know who would choose to be a minority? How many Caucasian people would choose to be people of color, knowing the persecution that those people have faced?

In that respect, why would someone choose to be gay when they understand that gay people face discrimination and hate? That is like saying that a person who is otherwise straight, DECIDES to be gay solely for the purpose of being persecuted. Clearly it isn't for financial or social gain, so why would one "choose" this path? I just don't believe that anyone would "choose" to be persecuted. The only other conclusion is that these people "choose" their sexual orientation merely to be rebels.

Some would say that same sex marriage "undermines" our society. One argument that I hear is that homosexual people can't reproduce. How can anyone sit there with a straight face and tell me that our planet needs more people? I think we should consider it a blessing that every person doesn't feel obligated to pop out another kid.

If your stance is that adding homosexual married couples to the mix places a burden on the insurance companies, I encourage you to look at the RECORD profits that each company nets. Insurance, specifically health insurance, is the biggest money-making scam of our time. So what if two homosexual people who are married want the same cost-saving family policy as heterosexual couples? Insurance companies already charge an exorbitant amount of money, why should homosexual couples not be allowed to take the tiny bit of savings that a family plan offers?

As an American people, we could NOT in anyway drive insurance companies to insolvency. These companies have made money by duping the public for years and years regarding the quality of care and the cost of premiums. They argue that they cannot handle the added burden of insuring homosexual couples. The way things work now, one pays exorbitant premiums only to pay again in co-pays and deductibles. Insurance companies post record profits while covering very little actual medical costs. Is it our country's goal to help profiteering companies dominate our failing national economy?

Barack Obama has set forth a health care plan that has some government funding and subsidies. Republicans actually question the merit of such ideas. They claim that it is the next step towards a socialist state.

Are we really going to oppose a partial nationalization of our health care in order to protect these companies that deny every claim that they can? Is it really a crime for our government to make it illegal for companies to overcharge us for sub-mediocre care?

Is anyone upset about this??!?!?!?


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Anonymous said...

Rant on Robbie! Love it!

Anonymous said...

There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.

Anonymous said...

There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.