Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Obama, The Pro-Life Choice

I was challenged by a friend and avid reader of The Garment File to convince her why a pro-life voter should vote for Barack Obama.

I will admit that, while I am a supporter of Obama, I had some initial doubts about my ability to defend his pro-choice voting record to a conservative pro-life voter. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's not such a difficult proposition.

There are a few reasons that pro-life organizations always support republican candidates. The obvious answer is that republicans purport to be advocates for the pro-life movement. Another reason that matters more for this race than others is that a few supreme court positions may become vacant in the coming years. Since the only legitimate way to ban abortions is to overturn Roe v. Wade, pro-life activists consider the nomination of pro-life justices paramount to their cause.

While John McCain has almost a 100% pro-life voting record, and will most certainly continue that trend as president, he is NOT the best candidate for reducing and/or stopping abortions in America. It is my contention that Barack Obama, while a staunch pro-choice candidate, will actually do more to reduce abortions than John McCain.

Let's consider a few things:

  • When choosing a candidate based on his perceived value of life, one must take into account many more factors than abortion alone. John McCain is a clear supporter of war. He has made his support for the war in Iraq VERY clear. A support for life, to me, does not mesh with supporting a war that has no benefits whatsoever. I can understand supporting a war that benefits somebody, but that fact is, our soldiers are dying in Iraq for absolutely no reason other than the fact that we decided to try to police the middle east.
  • After voting for George W. Bush and electing a republican congress, based on their supposed advocacy for the pro-life movement, pro-life voters have nothing to show for it. Bush fought for the conservative pro-life vote, but did nothing to prevent or reduce abortions. In fact, I would argue that due to his support of abstinence-only sex education, there are now more accidental pregnancies, which translate to more abortions. To deny our students the ability to learn how to prevent pregnancies is to encourage abortion. Republicans purport to be actively pro-life, but they just want your vote.

Now, let's consider the benefits that Obama, despite being pro-choice, offers to the pro-life movement.

It's generally agreed that no matter the legality of abortion, it will continue.

I believe that the some valuable ways to reduce the amount of abortions are as follows:

  • Make the world and the country a more desirable place to raise a child.
  • Make birth control and prenatal care affordable.
  • Encourage responsibility and good parenting.
When a woman gets pregnant in today's political and economic climate, she has to consider the benefit to her child of bringing him or her into a country in terrible economic shape, in the middle of a pointless war, and a less than optimal standing on the global stage. She would, most likely, have poor health insurance, or none at all. All of these factors make abortion the logical choice for many women.

Barack Obama promises to change not only the politics of America, but the climate of hospitality and community in America. He has said many times that investing in not only ourselves, but our neighbors and communities, is the best way to return America to our old standard of living. He has said time and time again that our fellow citizens' problems should be ours as well.

When the burdens of your fellow American become your own, a real climate of change for a better society begins. When having a child is viewed as a blessing, and not a curse, abortion becomes more of a last-resort option. When you know that you can provide that child with adequate health care, a real opportunity at financial success, and the opportunity to live in a peaceful world, abortion becomes the illogical choice.

The bottom line is, when considering abortion, one must consider the most effective way of reducing it. Since making it illegal will only serve to criminalize something that will still happen, the only logical choice is to take a preemptive stance to try and remove the willingness to have an abortion.

I truly believe that by making America a more desirable place to raise a child, abortions will decline. I also truly believe that Barack Obama is the only candidate who is taking a proactive stance on reforming not only the economy and our reputation, but the way that we, as a society, treat each other. Let's face it, McCain offers politics as usual. His presidency will most likely be as ineffective as Bush's has been. Since voting republican has done nothing to improve abortion rates, how can voting democrat hurt? It's not like democrats will pass laws that encourage abortion. The legality of abortion will stay the same no matter who is elected. It is simply a matter of choosing a candidate that can change the externalities that influence a woman's decision to have an abortion.

How did I do? Leave a comment and let me know.


Jivin J said...

Do you have any evidence for your assumption that are now more accidental pregnancies and abortion than when Bush took office? An assumption based on no evidence is not very persuasive.

Plus, have prolifers really gotten nothing? Aren't Roberts and Alito better justices (from a prolife point of view) than any justices Obama would put on the bench.

Barack Obama promises to change not only the politics of America, but the climate of hospitality and community in America.

"Promises" is the key word here. Politicians promise a lot of things - most of them never come to fruition, especially when the promiser can't really tell you how all these miraculous things are going to miraculously occur.

When having a child is viewed as a blessing, and not a curse, abortion becomes more of a last-resort optionOdd then that you would support a candidate whose been quoted comparing pregnancy to a "punishment."

It's not like democrats will pass laws that encourage abortion.

Umm... Yes they will. The Democrats have introduced legislation to use federal tax dollars to pay for abortions. It's called the Freedom of Choice Act. Obama supports it. Wholeheartedly.

Robert Garment said...

First of all, providing federal funding for abortions does not ENCOURAGE abortions, it merely facilitates them.

As far as the Supreme Court Justices are concerned, I've already said that overturning Roe v. Wade would do almost nothing to reduce abortions.

Concerning promises, Obama promises of improvement seem much better than McCain promises of war and free trade at any cost.

The "punishment" quote that you mention is completely out of context.

Here is the quote in its entirety:
“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

Are you somehow saying that babies having babies are not indeed a burden? Can you really sit there and tell me that, at 15 or 16, being forced to raise a child would not be felt as a punishment? When you don't educate kids about condoms and other forms of birth control, you force them to either ignore their sexual urges or have unprotected sex. Period.

The "evidence" you seek about teen pregnancy rates is here:

Not enough studies have been done about abstinence-only education to give you hard numbers, and I never claimed to have concrete numbers, it is merely the logical conclusion that I have come to.

Nat said...

Dear Robert,

You make several excellent points. I would point you to this article by Doug Kmiec at Pepperdine University referring to Obama's position as prudentially second-best for the pro-lifer...

-Nathaniel Stone